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AWS Secret Manager


The WeHub Dashboard offers a variety of plugins to enhance and automate your workflows. These plugins are categorized into Triggers, Processors, and Apps. This documentation provides an overview of the "AWS Secret Manager" plugin, which falls under the Processors category.

AWS Secret Manager Plugin

The "AWS Secret Manager" plugin allows seamless interaction with AWS Secrets Manager to manage secrets for your applications. This plugin provides four actions: Get, Put, Create, and Delete. Below are the configuration requirements for each action.


1. Get (Processor)

Retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.


  1. Label (String): A descriptive label to identify this action within your workflow.
  2. Select Connection (Dropdown): Choose or create an AWS Secrets Manager connection.
  3. Input Version ID (String): Specify the version ID of the secret to retrieve.
  4. Input Version Stage (String): Specify the version stage of the secret to retrieve.
  5. Select Schema (Dropdown): Choose the schema for processing the secret data.
  6. Outputs Section:
    • Manual (Toggle): Enable to manually define output fields.
      • Name (String): Specify the output name.
      • Type (Dropdown): Choose the output type.
    • Truncate Fields (Toggle): Enable to truncate fields.
      • Truncate Level (Integer): Specify the truncate level.

2. Put (Processor)

Store a secret value in AWS Secrets Manager.


  1. Label (String): A descriptive label to identify this action within your workflow.
  2. Select Connection (Dropdown): Choose or create an AWS Secrets Manager connection.

3. Create (Processor)

Create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager.


  1. Label (String): A descriptive label to identify this action within your workflow.
  2. Select Connection (Dropdown): Choose or create an AWS Secrets Manager connection.

4. Delete (Processor)

Delete a secret from AWS Secrets Manager.


  1. Label (String): A descriptive label to identify this action within your workflow.
  2. Select Connection (Dropdown): Choose or create an AWS Secrets Manager connection.

Configuration Tables

Get Action

LabelStringDescriptive label for identifying the action.
Select ConnectionDropdownSelect or create an AWS Secrets Manager connection.
Input Version IDStringSpecify the version ID of the secret.
Input Version StageStringSpecify the version stage of the secret.
Select SchemaDropdownChoose the schema for processing the data.
Outputs Section - ManualToggleEnable to manually define output fields.
- NameStringSpecify the output name.
- TypeDropdownChoose the output type.
Outputs Section - Truncate FieldsToggleEnable to truncate fields.
- Truncate LevelIntegerSpecify the truncate level.

Put, Create, and Delete Actions

LabelStringDescriptive label for identifying the action.
Select ConnectionDropdownSelect or create an AWS Secrets Manager connection.

Example Configurations

Get Action

LabelRetrieve Secret
Select ConnectionAWS_Secret_Connection_1
Input Version ID12345
Input Version StageAWSCURRENT
Select SchemaSecret_Schema
Outputs SectionManual - Enabled
- NameSecretKey
Outputs SectionTruncate Fields - Enabled
- Truncate Level10

Put Action

LabelStore Secret
Select ConnectionAWS_Secret_Connection_2


The AWS Secret Manager plugin in the WeHub Dashboard simplifies secure management of secrets, allowing retrieval, storage, creation, and deletion with ease. Its flexible configurations ensure seamless integration into your workflows.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please refer to the WeHub Dashboard support documentation or contact our support team.